
The K–12 Mathematics Curriculum Center publishes a range of print materials that supply information and guidance about curriculum selection and use, and explain current issues in mathematics education.
Effective Use of Mathematics Instructional Materials: Building Bridges Between Research and Practice
Selecting Mathematics Instructional Materials: An Annotated Bibliography is a resource for curriculum leaders involved in all phases of the selection process. Whether preparing for an upcoming textbook adoption, actively involved in choosing materials, or preparing to launch the implementation of a recently selected text, this publication provides annotations to articles that offer insight into these topics.
Zeringue, J.K., Spencer, D., Mark, J., & Schwinden, K. (2010, April). Influences on mathematics textbook selection: What really matters? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-session, San Diego, CA.
Spencer, D., Mark, J., Zeringue, J. K., & Schwinden, K. (in press). Curriculum leadership in selecting mathematics materials. NCSM Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership.
Mark, J., Spencer, D., Zeringue, J. K., & Schwinden, K. (2010). How do districts choose mathematics textbooks? In B. Reys & R. Reys (Eds.), The K–12 mathematics curriculum: Issues, trends, and future directions (Vol. 72). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Mark, J., Zeringue, J. K., Schwinden, K., & Spencer, D. (2009, April). Leading curriculum selection as an opportunity for improving mathematics learning. Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics, Washington, DC.
Zeringue, J. K., Spencer, D., Schwinden, K., & Mark, J. (2008, April). The demands of state context on mathematics materials selection. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-session, Salt Lake City, UT.
Zeringue, J., K., & Fuller, K., A. (2007, March). Choosing mathematics curricula: Comparing state adoption an open territory states. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-session, Atlanta, GA.
K-12 Mathematics Curriculum Center
Curriculum Summaries (2005) of 12 mathematics programs provide key information at a glance. All 12 summaries may be downloaded here.
The Changing Mathematics Curriculum: An Annotated Bibliography lists articles written about important aspects of the curriculum selection and implementation process.
Perspectives on Curricular Change: Interviews with Teachers, Administrators, and Curriculum Developers is a collection of edited interviews with users of 12 comprehensive mathematics curricula. Interviews for each curriculum can be downloaded.
Choosing a Standards-Based Mathematics Curriculum describes the selection process and suggests strategies for successful selection and implementation. Excerpts to the guide can be viewed or downloaded for printing.
Our Issues in Mathematics Education papers explain, in understandable language, issues about which there is significant debate. Issues papers addressing assessment and technology are available below for downloading and printing. Click on each title to download the whole paper.